23 April 2011

Cadbury Egg Cupcakes!

I love Cadbury eggs! The crème ones are my favorite, the caramel ones are good too, but they just aren't as good as the crème ones. Anyway, since tomorrow is Easter and I love Cadbury eggs, I decided to make cream-filled and caramel-filled cupcakes! The Cadbury egg caramel cupcakes are devil's food cupcakes with caramel filling in the center, butter cream icing, sprinkles, and a mini caramel egg on top! The Cadbury egg crème cupcakes are milk chocolate cupcakes with crème filling, butter cream icing, and a part of a crème egg on top! YUM! They are so cute!

Happy Easter!

Caramel Cadbury Egg Cupcake
Caramel Cadbury Egg Cupcake - Inside

Crème Cadbury Egg Cupcake

Crème Cadbury Egg Cupcake - Inside

17 April 2011

Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcakes!

I’m not going to lie, peanut butter and jelly, without the crust, is one of my all-time favorite foods (right behind cereal). I love baking cupcakes and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, so I had to try to make these cupcakes. They were actually pretty good! I just made a yellow cupcake, filled it with jelly, iced it with peanut butter frosting, and put a little bit of jelly on top! They turned out great! Check it out!

15 April 2011

Oreo Cupcakes!

Since Oreo is milk’s favorite cookie, I decided it should be cupcake’s favorite cookie too! I just made chocolate cupcakes, but I put a half of an Oreo (with the cream side) on the bottom of each cupcake before I put the batter in. I used heavy whipping cream and crushed Oreos to make the icing. I then put the other half of the Oreo on top of the cupcake to add a nice “touch”. They were delish, or as I’ve heard.

P.S.- Cadbury egg and peanut butter and jelly cupcakes are going to be made very soon! YUM!


10 April 2011

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes!

The sun was shining today, and it was warm which reminded me of summer, so I made ice cream cone cupcakes! I just made yellow mini and regular sized cupcakes, put one mini inside of an ice cream cone with icing, flipped a regular upside down and put it on top, flipped a mini and put it on top of the regular, iced it, and put sprinkles on it! The pink icing goes well with this blog title, right? I thought so. :)  They turned out awesome! It’s just hard to store or transport them because of their height and support system (the cone) which is not that sturdy! Now, I just have to figure out how I can put ice cream at the bottom… I’ll see if I can tackle that one next weekend!

09 April 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes!

For my sports team, we have sisters and we give them sister gifts. My sister requested baked goods since she knew that I liked baking. I decided to do a “theme” for every week; every week would consist of a different cupcake. This week’s was cookie dough. I made everything from scratch. Anyway, I made a chocolate chip cupcake, baked it and when it was cooled, carved a hole in the center and put in a ball of chocolate chip cookie dough (I made it so it was safe to eat, no chance of salmonella!). I then iced the cupcakes with brown sugar frosting, put chocolate chips on top, and mini cookies on a few. YUM! When I brought them to my game, everyone went gaga over them like usual!